Monday, 2 May 2011

Samsung Galaxy S II or Apple iPhone 5: What’s On Your Wish List?

The mobile phone market is simmering nicely with many different handsets surfacing from different manufacturers such as the HTC Sensation, a mystery phone from Motorola and of course the release of the Apple iPhone 4 in white. Now we are seeing a massive rise in popularity of two other highly anticipated handsets.
We are looking at the Samsung Galaxy S II and the Apple iPhone 5 and we want to know, which of these handsets are on your wish list? The Galaxy S II has some pretty impressive specifications with an 8 megapixel rear facing camera, a 2 megapixel front-facing one and a dual-core processor running at 1.2GHz being amongst them. Are the specs alone going to be able to topple the hype of the iPhone 5?

Apple generally lead the market like they have with the iPad 2 and they plan to with the new updated iMac’s but the iPhone 5 is entering in completely different circumstances. Android handsets continue to rise in popularity and we expect that to make a serious dent in the sales that we see of the iPhone 5 which is due in September.

Early reports say that it will have an upgraded camera, upgrades all round and notably the inclusion of the A5 chip similar to that in the iPad 2. We just want to make it clear that Apple generally don’t let on any details of their devices and pretty much everything we believe about their forthcoming handset is pretty much built on speculation and expectancies. Still we are pretty sure it’s coming, we are also wondering if it will be released in white or if we will have to wait another 10 months from its release date for that!


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