Tuesday, 31 May 2011

No 3G video calling on iPhone 4

Users in India can make video calls using WiFi, but not over 3G as the application that enables the service has been locked by Apple.

The Apple iPhone 4, which is being regarded as the most unique device, is not capable of making video calls over a 3G mobile network despite being a 4th generation smartphone.

Users in India can make video calls using WiFi networks, but not over 3G as the application which enables the service is locked by Apple.

The Apple spokesperson in India said, "FaceTime, the application that allows video calling on the Apple iPhone 4, is a closed user application that allows people having iPhone or compatible Apple hardware like the iPad 2 and forth generation iPod touch running FaceTime application to have video calling."

"3G cannot be used to make these video calls; only WiFi data is supported by the application. The application allows seamless connectivity between other Apple products though," he added.

iPhone 4 nevertheless has all the necessary hardware, including a front facing camera and 3G capable quad frequency network band, to allow 3G video calling over the mobile network.

Many applications like Frring, Tango me and Oovoo can be used as third party solutions to curb this problem of calling over 3G mobile networks.

Along with that, these applications offer both free and paid services and allow cross platform compatibility as well, which means that an iPhone 4 user can call another iPhone, or even another operating system that supports these third party applications. 

There were some issues related to video calling with Frring but with the new update for the iPhone 4, Frring users on iPhone 4 get to make better quality video calls.


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