Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Handygo launches city specific information service

The Zing services provide the users updates about their city on daily basis through SMSes. Users won't be required to download and install any specific application for accessing this service.

To provide city specific news and information to its users, Handygo Technologies has announced Zing services in partnership with Buzz in Town, which offers city specific information.

The Zing services provide the users updates about their city on daily basis through SMSes. Users won't be required to download and install any specific application for accessing this service. Subscribers, apart from just receiving information, can also be a part of the Zing club where they will be able to share information using the Zing platform.

"Zing is our latest offering for young India which constitutes more than 45 per cent of the population. In order to provide credible and up-to-the-minute information to the subscribers, we have tied-up with India's biggest entertainment based information portal Buzzintown. Zing is a very powerful service as it works on a push based SMS model and a chance of missing any city specific development for a subscriber is negligible," said Praveen Rajpal, chief executive officer, Handygo Technologies

As of now the SMS based service will only carry information about the various thing happening around the city, but in the near future Handygo plans to make it big.

Handygo has plan to get in to tie up with popular discount services like Snapdeal, Khojguru and others for offering exclusive deals and offers to its customers on mobile. Along with that Handygo also plans to offer mobile purchase facility for these deals and discounts through payment tie up with CellPAY.


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